
Iā€™m a first-year PhD student in mathematics (mathematical physics) at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, supervised by Prof. Xenia de la Ossa.

Unifying gravity with quantum mechanics remains one of the most profound challenges in modern physics. Black holes, as extreme astrophysical objects, sit at the intersection of these two theories, making them natural laboratories for exploring quantum gravity. My research focuses on understanding black holes through number theory and geometry, with a particular emphasis on the arithmetic and modularity of Calabi-Yau manifolds.

Refereed publications

(1) Svanberg, E.; Cui, C.; Latter, H. 2022 Wavelike nature of the vertical shear instability in global protoplanetary disks; Published in MNRAS


Preprint (Bachelor thesis):

(1) Svanberg, E. Theories with higher-order time derivatives and the Ostrogradsky ghost

For academic purposes only:

eleonora dot svanberg at maths dot ox dot ac dot uk